Bioelectric Medicine Brain Health

Dementia Treatment & Prevention

BART Webinar Series Photobiomodulation for TBI with Anita Saltmarche

This webinar recording explores photobiomodulation (laser and light therapy) with Anita Saltmarche. Anita was a Geriatric Clinical Nurse Specialist at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre in Toronto for many years and the principal investigator, researcher, and consultant to the Ontario Ministry of Health on a large, multi-site interventional clinical trial.

Anita will speak about the effects of photobiomodulation and how it can effectively treat chronic TBI and other neurological conditions.

Viewers will develop a basic understanding of:

  1. How light therapy affects cells and tissue, and the potential benefits for those living with TBI and other neurological conditions.
  2. Considerations if you are thinking about purchasing or trying light therapy.
  3. Integrating light therapy devices into an integrative treatment approach for TBI and other neurological conditions.

About our presenter: Anita Saltmarche, BScN MHSc

In various roles, Anita has been involved in photobiomodulation (laser and light therapy) over the past 22 years as the VP of Clinical & Scientific Affairs for a photobiomodulation (PBM) device manufacturer, consultant, educator, researcher, and clinician.

Michael R Hamblin invited talk for Guy Foundation

Guy: I have added this talk as a foundation for understanding the research behind and the biological effects of Photobiomodulation or Light Therapy. He covers a great deal of research in a very short period of time making this a nutrient dense talk, worth watching a few times.

Michael R Hamblin Ph.D. was a Principal Investigator at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, an Associate Professor of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School and is now a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He gained his PhD in organic chemistry from Trent University in England. His research interests include photodynamic therapy, photobiomodulation drug delivery, nanomedicine, and tissue engineering. His research program was supported by NIH, CDMRP, USAFOSR and CIMIT.

He has published over 560 peer-reviewed articles, over 150 conference proceedings, book chapters and International abstracts and holds 10 patents. He is Editor-in Chief of “Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery”, Associate Editor for 10 journals, on the editorial board of a further 20 journals. He has an h-factor 113 and 52,000 citations. He has authored/edited 25 textbooks on PDT and photomedicine including 13 SPIE proceedings. Dr Hamblin was elected as a Fellow of SPIE in 2011, received the 1st Endre Mester Lifetime Achievement Award from NAALT in 2017, the Outstanding Career Award from the Dose Response Society, and the 1st Ali Javan award for Photobiomodulation Basic Science Research from WALT in 2018.


Developmental Bioelectricity – By Prof. Michael Levin

Guy: I’ve added this talk as an introduction to the amazing research and findings in one area of Bioelectric Medicine as conceptualized by Dr. Levin. He and his team have made paradigm challenging discoveries, the significance of his team’s work can not be overstated. The goal of watching this talk is not to understand his work but to have ones mind opened to the fact there is more going on in our biology than we have been led to believe. I suspect some of the processes he has identified are at work in the Bioelectric Medicine we use in our treatments.

The “Origins of Goal-directedness” is a large research project of the Center Leo Apostel, supported by the John Templeton foundation. The project uses the formalism of Chemical Organization Theory (COT) to model self-organization and the emergence of autopoietic systems.

This workshop has been organized in the context of such project. Michael Levin is an invited speaker from Allen Discovery Center, Tufts University ( Wyss Institute, Harvard University (…)

In this seminar Michael shows a variety of results about developmental bioelectricity as the cognitive medium of the collective intelligence of cells navigating morphospace

Bredesen Protocol Overview

Dr. Richard Sinda and Guy Odishaw present on the us of the Bredesen Protocol and Bioelectric Medicine for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s & Dementia.

Bredesen Presentation Q&A

Dr. Richard Sinda and Guy Odishaw from the Minnesota Brain Health Clinic in. a follow up Q&A from October 28th 2021 presentation about the Bredesen Protocol for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. This talk includes a brief case presentation of one of our Bredesen patient’s progress with the program.

Brain and Cognitive Changes in Pre-Symptomatic Alzheimer’s Disease: New Findings

Sterling Johnson, PhD, and Tobey Betthauser, PhD, MS, present a talk on new findings in brain and cognitive changes in pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Johnson is professor in the Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Medicine. Dr. Betthauser is an assistant scientist in the same division. University of Wisconsin Department of Medicine Grand Rounds are presented throughout the academic year and are intended for health care professionals and medical researchers.

Dementia: Gender, diet and brain health

In this fascinating discussion, Richard Merrick and Prof Anne-Marie Minihane discussed the impact of factors such as gender and diet on our brain health. Factors such as our biological sex and gender are thought to be linked with dementia risk, as more women than men are living with dementia. Richard Merrick discussed his research using large long-term population studies, which aims to shed light on this link. Studies also indicate that lifestyle factors have an important link to our brain health. Prof Anne-Marie Minihane’s research looks at the impact of certain foods and the Mediterranean diet on brain health. She also discussed the possible effects of menopause on dementia risk.

Beyond neurons: the role of brain support cells in dementia

At this Lab Notes event we hear from Dr Konstantin Glebov and Dr Jon Witton from our South West Research Network. They shared insights from their work studying brain support cells called glia. The event is chaired by Dr Katy Stubbs from Alzheimer’s Research UK. Dr Konstantin Glebov from University of Plymouth introduced the different types of glia cells and how they support the normal health function of the brain. He shared how these cells change their function in Alzheimer’s, and the role of small messaging packages called exomes in this change. Dr Jon Witton from University of Exeter talked about how glia are crucial for brain function and that regulating how the communicate with nerve cells could hold a key for treating Alzheimer’s.

Photobiomodulation for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Dementia

In Feb 2022, Dr. Cassano presented this NYU-MGH study at LifeStance Health. The presentation covers in-vitro and pre-clinical data in support of the use of transcranial PBM for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The most recent clinical data on PBM for AD were also reviewed. The NYU-MGH study was described: a large randomized, double-blind clinical trial (n=125) sponsored by NIH/NIA and by the Alzheimer’s Association.

How infrared light could reverse Alzheimer’s – Paul Chazot

Dr Paul Chazot is Senior Lecturer at Durham University’s Biophysical Sciences Institute, where he has been researching novel treatments for the major pathologies of the nervous system. Currently, Paul is working on a ground-breaking infrared light therapy that has the potential to help people with dementia, involving a specially adapted medical device that delivers infrared light deep into the brain, triggering nerve cell repair and increasing blood flow to the brain. Dr Chazot is also the University lead for the Durham University spin-out company Nevrargenics, who have developed exciting new drug leads (RAR-M) for a range of neurodegenerative diseases.

Allen Institute Photic Stimulation | Li-Huei Tsai

Li-Huei Tsai, MIT, “Gamma entrainment: from network activity to waste clearance” at the Allen Institute Modeling Workshop, a three-day virtual event hosted by the Allen Institute for Brain Science emphasizing open and publicly accessible models and associated tools.

Q for Li-Huei: Brilliant talk thank you! Any insights on how gamma entrainment and network rhythmic activity induces this change in microglial activity?

Li-Huei: This is one of the most interesting questions we are addressing. We have two hypotheses. First, neuropeptide(s) released by the entrained neurons activate microglia. Second, microglia sense gamma rhythms directly via their receptors/channels expressed on their surface. We hope to have the answer soon.

Transcranial Stimulation

TCS is a non-invasive brain stimulation that applies a small pulsed electric current across a person’s head. This small electrical stimulus stimulates endorphins, serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmitter production. These neurotransmitters are necessary for information processing, memory, energy level and physical well-being.

Audio Visual Entrainment

Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) is an evidence based modality utilizing pulses of light and sound at specific frequencies to gently and safely guide the brain into various brain wave patterns. By altering your brain wave frequencies, you have the ability to boost your mood, improve sleep patterns, sharpen your mind and increase your level of relaxation.

Microcurrent Therapy

Through a scanning process these instruments work by identifying and highlighting abnormal tissue function/response, indicating damage and the need for healing and repair in that area. After identifying the damaged tissue, it is able to adjust itself, and produce an electric current which “normalizes or corrects” the damaged tissue. This corrective, low voltage electrical current actually regenerates injured tissue, i.e. bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It promotes the body’s own healing mechanisms by initiating repairs at the cellular level, and assisting the body in its cellular and connective repair at an accelerated rate.

Essentially, our instruments work by organizing these “chaotic” ions so that the tissue can repair itself. It also improves blood flow and increases blood and oxygen to the site of injury.

An additional benefit realized is the detoxification or “cleansing” of the tissue around this injury. When positive to negative current flows across a damaged cell membrane, the result is a discharge that displaces toxins and accelerates healing.

Our instruments also reduce spasm and fibrosis (scarring) in muscle tissue through fascia release, allowing the muscle to resume its natural length resulting in improved range of motion. Our instruments quiet the nervous system by re-establishing nerve conduction.

The Electro-Acuscope monitors nerve conduction between two electrodes, and this is how the current amplitude and voltage output is adjusted and controlled. The Acuscope utilizes a complex waveform that mimics a nerve impulse.

The Electro-Myopulse measures the Bio-Impedance of the muscle tissue between the two electrodes. This is how the current amplitude and voltage output is adjusted and controlled. The Myopulse utilizes a sine wave, which mimics the wave produced when a muscle first contracts.

Brain Connectivity: tPBM effects at an Electrophysiological, Hemodynamic, and Metabolic level

Dr. Sadra Shahdadian presented at the MGH Brain PBM Clinic Rounds (01.20.23) on the effects of prefrontal transcranial photobiomodulation (tPBM) on electrophysiological, hemodynamic, and metabolic connectivity in the human brain.

Brain Hacking: The effects of Transcranial Infrared Laser on Cognitive Enhancement

Dr. Francisco Gonzalez Lima presented at the MGH Brain PBM Clinic Rounds (02.17.23) on the benefits of transcranial Infrared light stimulation (TILS) on memory, attention and executive function through neuroplasticity and bioenergetic effects.

Microbiome: The Gut-Brain Axis as an opportunity for Brain Stimulation with PBM

Dr. Brian Bicknell presented at the MGH Brain PBM Clinic Rounds (02.03.23) on the role of the gut-brain axis in health and disease and the potential to influence it through photobiomodulation.

Parkinson’s Disease: Case studies using multi-modal PBM for Parkinson’s disease

Dr. Ann Liebert presented at the MGH Brain PBM Clinic Rounds (6.10.22) on case studies using PBM as part of a multi-modal intervention for the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Brain Stimulation Methods to Improve Memory Day and Night.

Recording of the webinar with Dr. Vince Clark.

Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation: from Physiology to Cognition

Recording of the webinar with Miles Wischnewski, Ph.D.