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Dive into our podcast to discover the transformative power of neurofeedback, bioelectric medicine, and craniosacral therapy with Guy Odishaw.

Bio-Electric Medicine: How to zap your brain into good health! | Guy Odishaw | SCGP: 85
Self-Care Goddess Podcast
Bioelectronic Medicine focuses on electrical signaling in the nervous system. On the Self-Care Goddess podcast episode #85, with Guy Odishaw...
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Bioelectric Medicine Is Helping Reverse AutoImmune Diseases, Dementia, & TBI - Guy Odishaw
The Joel Evan Show
Guy Odishaw is a Neurofeedback Practitioner, Bioelectric Medicine & Craniosacral Therapist, co-founder of CerebralFit who founded the Bhakti Wellness Center in 2006...
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