CerebralLight Infrared Helmet

Sale price$3,300.00

Price: CerebralLight Infrared Helmet Purchase

Paketinhalt pro Set:
- 2x 420Wp Bifaziale Solarmodule (jeweils 172,2 x 113,4 cm)
- 1x 600W/800W TSUN Wechselrichter + Endkappe (Upgradebar)
- 1x Kabel zur Steckdose 5m
- 2x DC-Verlängerungskabel je 1,0 m
- 1x Wechselrichterhalterung

Versandkosten: 49,00€

CerebraLight is one of the most advanced transcranial photobiomodulation devices on the market today. The device has the capacity to supply ample power density to deliver photons deep into the brain because it can be positioned to reach the cerebellum and brainstem. The device covers most of the cortical surface of the brain. It can also stimulate neural entrainment.

Photobiomodulation has been shown to increase cerebral blood flow, enhance energy production and signaling, release nitric oxide and reduce inflammation. The beneficial effects of photobiomodulation on the brain cover a span of diverse brain-based problems, including depression, anxiety, traumatic brain injury, early cognitive decline, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson’s disease.